The Elodiverse

Elod'i Rhunvelt

Kellan Djt-Bidit

Ares Greywolfe

Aritsune Khatayin

Lox Rhunvelt

Selkie Rose

Other Characters

Astan Rhunvelt

Astrid Rhunvelt

Eli Albhed

Theja Arda


"I fell in love with you for who you are. Warrior of Light, tragic history, fearless heart. All of it." ~Ares

Name: Elod'i Rhunvelt
Occupation: Warrior of Light
Race: Miqo'te | Seeker of the Sun
Birthplace: Corvos
Nameday: 21st Sun of 5th Umbral Moon (October 21st)
Ancient name: Adamantia
Sexual orientation: Straight
Relationship style: Monogamous
Relationship status: Committed, Ares Greywolfe

Elod'i, circa ARR

Parents: Deceased
Sibling(s): Brother, Astan
Children: Son, Eli | Daughter, Astrid
Age: 30 (post-EW) | 50-something (Astrid's storyline)
Deity: Azeyma, the Warden
Eye color: Copper (pre-ShB) | pale rose gold (post-ShB)
Hair color: Garnet red, lighter highlights
Height: 160cm (5'3")
Canon jobs: Red mage, monk, astrologian, gunbreaker


Orphaned twice over when the Garlean Empire slaughtered her tribe on her nameday, then her adopted parents a few years later, Elod'i's only living family is her older brother, Astan. They scrape out a living on their own for a few years until a run-in with the son of the local Garlean magistrate in Corvos places a bounty on Astan's head, and he's forced to flee on his own, leaving Elod'i behind.After becoming separated from Astan at 16, she makes her way out of Corvos, eventually crossing the continent and arriving in Gridania at age 24, where she joins the Scions and becomes the Warrior of Light.The traumatic events of Shadowbringers bleach her eyes from warm copper to pale rose gold, and she suffers from post-traumatic stress and nightmares following her return home. Upon returning home, she's at last reunited with Astan after a 13-year separation. Astan soon introduces her to the love of her life and the eventual father of her children, Ares Greywolfe.

Miscellaneous Facts

The unconventional punctuation of Elod'i's name stems from her adoptive Hyuran parents, Geirmund and Eydis Rhunvelt, who didn't fully understand Seeker naming tradition when they named the tiny infant who had come into their care.Elod'i had a one-night fling with Thancred shortly before joining the Scions and realizing she'd be working with him. They agree never to bring it up again and have since become very good friends.Her most notable ex-boyfriend is Aymeric. The pair were in a relationship that lasted from the end of the Dragonsong War until the battle of Ghimlyt Dark. They broke up on good terms, both aware that their lives were pulling them in different directions.Elod'i doesn't have much of a sweet tooth. She's also too busy to cook. For years, she subsists on Count Edmont's generosity. He sends an attendant to her house in Ishgard weekly to keep her pantry stocked with quick, healthy, practical meals she can eat on the go to fuel her warrior lifestyle. Later, when she meets Ares, she develops a taste for some of the finer things: well-made, home cooked meals, an occasional paired wine, and the satisfaction of preparing those herself.She and her big brother Astan are separated for 13 years before being reunited after she returns from the First. They're figuring out how to be "them" again, since she spent over half of that time thinking he was dead and for him, she was just a 16-year-old girl the last time he saw her.She dislikes her nameday, won't celebrate it, since it marks the anniversary her entire tribe was slaughtered. Ares, born in the same month, turns his own nameday into a joint celebration in order to make sure she gets to celebrate growing older, which she appreciates and embraces.Elod'i wears the mantle of the Warrior of Light like armor. She presents an open and honest front about all her dealings since she stepped into the role, but her life before remains an enigma to all but a chosen few. For her, the more people are looking at her public face and familiar with her life events, the fewer people will ask questions about her past and the immense losses that reside there.

L to R: Astrid and Eli (Ares and Elod'i's kids), Ares, Elod'i, Lox (Elod'i's nephew), and Saudade and Astan (her brother and sister-in-law)

Longfic: The Hero and Her Champion


This beautiful but deadly man with the intensely crystalline eyes witnessed her in a moment of profound emotional nakedness. Astan’s right. She does kind of want to hit him.

Name: Ares Greywolfe
Occupation: Mercenary, Flame Captain, Scion (post-EW)
Race: Viera | Veena
Birthplace: Golmore Jungle, raised in Ul'dah
Nameday: 10th Sun of 5th Umbral Moon (October 10th)
Ancient name: Alkaios
Sexual orientation: Straight
Relationship style: Monogamous
Relationship status: Committed, Elod'i Rhunvelt

Elod'i, circa ARR

Parents: Father, Rowan | Mother, unknown | Stepmother, Leih (deceased)
Sibling(s): Sister, Elsie
Children: Son, Eli | Daughter, Astrid
Age: 56 (post-EW) | 70-80 (Astrid's storyline)
Deity: Oschon, the Wanderer
Eye color: Icy grey
Hair color: Snowy white, blue highlights
Height: 187.9cm (6'2")
Canon jobs: Gunbreaker, paladin, scholar


Born in the Golmore Jungle but possessing no memories of it, Ares inherited his exile from the Wood when his father, Rowan, decided to break his oath as a Warder and take his children somewhere where he could live with them. Their small family settled in Ul'dah, where Rowan fell in love with a beautiful Keeper of the Moon named Leih. Leih raised Ares and his sister Elsie as her own until her tragic passing just before Ares' 12th nameday.Following his wife's passing, Rowan reverted to the patterns of his own upbringing and withdrew from his children into a life of solitary pursuits, his grief turning him back into a Warder, at least in his habits. Ares, young, passionate, and possessed of strong emotions, took his father's abandonment extremely personally, resenting him, even hating him, for much of his adolescence and early adulthood.Ares was plucked from the path of rage and violence by a series of battle mentors who trained him to govern his emotions rather than be ruled by them and showed him what could be accomplished through self-discipline. This gave birth to a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and discipline that shaped his vast accomplishments over the next 40 years of his life.Trained in almost every method of combat, Ares becomes a decorated captain in the Immortal Flames, leading men and women in such storied battles as Carteneau, Operation Archon, the liberation of Ala Mhigo, Ghimlyt Dark, and the Bozjan reclamation of their homeland. He is keenly aware of the rise of the Warrior of Light and leads countless victories under her banner but never has an opportunity to meet her until a fateful friendship with her brother leads him right to her door.

Miscellaneous Facts

Ares' stoicism is often mistaken for lack of emotion, but it stems instead from a powerful awareness of the strength of his emotions and a deliberate choice to not let them rule him. Those close to him discover that the deadly cold exterior melts to reveal a warm, kind, intensely loyal side of him that inspires both trust and a sense of safety.He doesn't mince words and isn't afraid to say things directly. His matter-of-fact emotional openness is Elod'i's (second) favorite thing about him.Most of the books in the home he shares with Elod'i belong to him. While she is prone to action and restlessness, he is much more comfortable with stillness. Spending long hours improving his mind with a book is just as rewarding for him as a hard workout or training session.During the events on the Thirteenth, Ares makes the discovery that he is the shard of Durante (Golbez). This revelation forces him to confront what he might have become if his rage and violence had been left unchecked.

Rowan, Elsie, and Ares Greywolfe

Longfic: The Hero and Her Champion


Style wise, he fit Aki's bill. Dark hair with a bright highlight, light colored eyes, loose pants and clingy shirt artfully tousled and ripped but not enough to have been anything but artificial and meant purely for aesthetic, and a confident smirk that was soon accompanied by a single rising brow.

Name: Lachlan (Lox) Rhunvelt
Occupation: Sellsword, blacksmith
Race: Miqo'te | Seeker of the Sun
Birthplace: Ishgard
Nameday: 17th Sun of 6th Umbral Moon (December 17th)
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Relationship style: Monogamous
Relationship status: Committed, Akinari Furukane

Elod'i, circa ARR

Parents: Astan and Saudade Rhunvelt
Sibling(s): None
Children: None
Age: 34 (post-EW)
Deity: (Halone, the Fury) | actually worships the kami
Eye color: Seafoam green
Hair color: Black, pale green highlights
Height: 187.9cm (6'2")
Canon jobs: Dark knight


Lox grew up in a happy, healthy home. As the nephew of the famed Warrior of Light Elod'i Rhunvelt, he enjoyed privilege and attention and developed a reputation for breaking hearts and considerable prowess both on and off the battlefield. As he matured, he slowly grew more serious and began to follow in his father and aunt's footsteps, offering his services to those in need.A chance connection with a viera named Naotomo Furukane soon plunged Lox's world into chaos. An ancient ritual going haywire in a small backwater village on the outskirts of the Dalmascan jungle soon grew to calamitous proportions in an incident that claimed the lives of his father, uncle, cousin, and even his famous and unstoppable aunt, Elod'i.Drowning in survivor's guilt and grief, he accepts the likely suicidal task of crossing the planes of reality to search for one in which Naotomo's twin brother, Akinari, survived.Upon discovering Aki's identity, the pair (reluctantly at first) agree to work together to save Lox's reality and forestall the same calamity from occurring in Aki's timeline. They succeed, and Lox, who senses that Aki feels as strongly about him as he does about Aki, decides to chase Aki back across the rift and stay in this timeline with him. In doing so, he finds the love of his life in Akinari and gains a second chance to protect the family he lost in his own timeline.

Miscellaneous Facts

At 34, he is four summers older than his aunt Elod'i, thanks to the difference in timelines between the one he left behind and the one he lives in now.He forms a close bond with Elod'i, becoming battle companions and confidantes. His relationship with his parents is more strained. He keeps his distance in order to avoid interfering with his own birth and upbringing.He occasionally assists Elod'i, lending her his talents as a dark knight, but his day job is as a blacksmith. He becomes a skilled and highly sought after artisan, in addition to helping Aki run his atelier.He is an excellent cook.Though he is monogamous and committed to Aki, he is supportive of Aki's polyamory and has good relationships with Aki's other partners. In turn, Aki has a distinct preference for Lox, and the pair live together full time, with the exception of Aki's occasional trips to visit his other partners.


(To Lys): "You carry the weight of us all. I will make sure that you can."

Name: Kellan Djt-bidit
Occupation: Combat medic, Scion (post-EW)
Race: Viera | Rava
Birthplace: Golmore Jungle
Nameday: 32nd Sun of 6th Umbral Moon (December 31st)
Ancient name: Leandros
Scent: Bergamot and mahogany
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Relationship style: Polyamorous
Relationship status: Married, Lysande Arda

Elod'i, circa ARR

Parents: Unknown
Sibling(s): None
Children: Daughter, Theja
Age: 44 (post-EW)
Deity: Doesn't worship the Twelve
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Golden blond
Height: 187.9cm (6'2")
Canon jobs: Sage, paladin


Raised in traditional viera fashion, Kellan became a Wood Warder when he hit puberty and spent a decade and a half protecting his home and living the mostly solitary life expected of him. After stumbling upon the Orbonne Monastery, a structure clearly built by a people not his own, he developed an insatiable curiosity about the world beyond the Wood.During his 30th summer, he made the decision to venture out, breaking his oath to the Wood and accepting lifelong exile. During the next 13 years or so, he explored Othard, Ilsabard, and Thavnair in depth before being drawn into the Bozjan Conflict, where he served as a field medic.On the Bozjan Southern Front, he finds himself treating the famed Warrior of Light themselves for injuries.

Miscellaneous Facts

Kellan's Golmorran name is Kjell, and no one except Lys knows or uses it.He secretly enjoys reading Lys' romance novels. He started out using them to practice his Eorzean literacy because the flowery prose provided expansive vocabulary practice, but he found himself enjoying the stories themselves, too.He's an incredibly skilled dancer.He wears his wedding band on the middle finger of his left hand, rather than on the ring finger, a nod to a tradition in his home village used by the Warders to indicate to each other whether they had chosen a mate or not.His ancient name was Leandros. Leandros was a researcher under Hythlodaeus who specialized in classifying familiars. He never met Emet-Selch or Azem, though during a brief stint in Elpis, he encountered a remarkable familiar with purple-and-gold eyes and long elegant ears...

Photo credit: Blue, my wonderful RP partner


“Do you recall the know-it-all student who had the absolute nerve of approaching me to both unravel years worth of my research and improve upon it within the span of a single week?” ~Sylvaire

Name: Aritsune Khatayin
Occupation: Warrior of Light
Race: Au Ra | Raen
Birthplace: Old Sharlayan
Nameday: 10th Sun of 2nd Astral Moon (March 10th)
Scent: Ink and parchment, fir, mountain air
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Relationship style: Monogamous
Relationship status: Committed, Sylvaire Aubrenard

Elod'i, circa ARR

Parents: Hiroyasu and Mitsume Khatayin
Sibling(s): None
Children: None
Age: 32 (post-EW)
Deity: Llymlaen, the Navigator
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Dark brown
Height: 205.8cm (6'9")
Canon jobs: Any caster, specifically red mage and white mage


Aritsune, who goes almost universally by Ari, was raised with all the academic privileges available to a child of Sharlayan, entering the Studium in his mid-teens. He proved to have an immense aptitude for theoretical aetherology and tactical analysis. The mind of a scientist and a warrior both. While at the Studium, he butted heads with a visiting viera professor, blatantly contradicting him in the middle of the lecture and proposing a wildly innovative alternative, much to the professor's intense dismay and irritation.Several years later, after the Calamity, Ari, now adventuring in Eorzea, begins to experience the Echo and is recruited by the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, only to discover that the incumbent Warrior of Light with whom he'll be partnering is the selfsame professor he'd matched wits with during his school days. This discovery leads to a firm rivalry between the two Warriors of Light. They become well known for bickering and sniping at each other, even while working flawlessly in sync in the middle of combat.As time progresses, however, what began as a rivalry grows into a true partnership, and their mutual respect for each other deepens into genuine love and attachment.

Miscellaneous Facts

Despite his physique, Ari is notoriously reluctant to show skin (or scales), and dresses conservatively, regardless of the climate or occasion.Khatayin is a xaela surname, rather than a raen one. His parents adopted it when they fled Sui-no-Sato to make it harder for those who might seek them to find them by rumor alone.His mother, Mitsume, is a former Ruby Princess. His pure white scales are a mark of his royal lineage. Though her flight from Sui-no-Sato strips her and her descendants of any privileges or claim to the throne of Shisui of the Violet Tides, he's readily identified by the residents of Sui-no-Sato as their long-lost princess's child when he and Sylvaire visit the underwater settlement during the events of Stormblood.Despite his academic achievements and his feats as the Warrior of Light, he has not earned his archon marks. When asked, he says he doesn't need them to prove how smart he is, but in truth, it's because he argued with the Forum about their policy of noninterference after the events of the Calamity, which cost him his sponsorship and motivated him to leave his homeland.

Credit: Blue

Photo credit: Blue, my wonderful RP partner


"If you ever try to pickpocket me again, you'll be singing a very different tune." She drops the knife to brush the front of his trousers, an eyebrow quirking. "Mayhap in falsetto."

Name: Selkie Rose
Occupation: Warrior of Light
Race: Au Ra | Raen
Birthplace: Limsa Lominsa
Nameday: 16th Sun of 4th Astral Moon (July 16th)
Scent: Ripe strawberries, vanilla, rum
Sexual orientation: Bisexual (male lean)
Relationship style: Monogamous
Relationship status: Committed, Yukio Igarashi

Elod'i, circa ARR

Parents: Aberdeen and Velma Rose (whereabouts unknown)
Sibling(s): None
Children: None
Age: 22 (post-EW)
Deity: Llymlaen, the Navigator
Eye color: Aquamarine
Hair color: Pink, white highlights
Height: 144.8cm (4'9")
Canon jobs: Rogue (ninja)


This Limsan native was born to pirate parents and developed a deep distrust of pirates as a result. Her early childhood was spent watching her parents backstab and betray each other and everyone else they interacted with. Their opportunism eventually led to them selling their own daughter for a sack of gold.Fortunately, Selkie was liberated from her destiny as a slave by Jacke Swallow, head of the Rogues Guild of Limsa Lominsa. Her rescue secured her undying loyalty to both Jacke and the code he lived by, and she became one of their most effective operators. The fact that the rogues guild policed piracy in Limsa and put her directly in conflict with countless people who did the same things her parents did only cemented her hatred of pirates, despite being only one small step from a pirate herself.When she develops the Echo, she attempts to ignore it, but her exploits in the name of the guild, combined with a poorly timed vision, place her on Y'shtola's radar, and she's eventually recruited to the Scions, becoming a very reluctant Warrior of Light at 17 summers old.Her hatred for pirates is put to the test when she meets the charming and infuriating Confederate pirate Yukio, who pickpockets her and gets a new scar for his troubles. Despite her anti-pirate convictions, Yukio earns her trust and eventually, her love.

Miscellaneous Facts

She is infamous for her "stab first, ask questions later (if at all)" approach to problem-solving. Though the Scions do eventually instill a sense of diplomacy into her, she always has at least half a dozen daggers on her, "just in case."Her ivory scales are bleached pure white as a consequence of the light corruption she dealt with on the First.Despite her small stature, she is an avid and accomplished drinker, and has won dozens of unofficial drinking contests against larger opponents who consistently underestimate her.When she's tired or angry, her rogue dialect becomes more pronounced.Yukio is her first and only love.

Credit: Blue


“The Warrior of Light is your sister?” Saudade’s mesmerizingly mismatched eyes widen.
“I’m the inferior sibling by a long shot, don’t worry,” he says with a wry grin.

Name: Astan Rhunvelt
Occupation: (former) Warrior of Light, Scion
Race: Miqo'te | Seeker of the Sun
Birthplace: Corvos
Nameday: 11th Sun of 1st Astral Moon (January 11th)
Sexual orientation: Straight
Relationship style: Monogamous
Relationship status: Married, Saudade Mirabilia

Elod'i, circa ARR

Parents: Deceased
Sibling(s): Sister, Elod'i
Children: Son, Lachlan (Lox)
Age: 35 (post-EW)
Deity: Azeyma, the Warden
Eye color: Copper
Hair color: Garnet red
Height: 172.8cm (5'8")
Canon jobs: Monk (pre-EW), dark knight (post-EW)


“Do you always antagonize your employers like this or am I just special?”“Only the cute ones.”

Name: Astrid Rhunvelt
Occupation: Student, Archon
Race: Half miqo'te, half viera (appears miqo'te)
Birthplace: The Goblet
Nameday: 16th Sun of 5th Umbral Moon (October 16th)
Sexual orientation: Straight
Relationship style: Monogamous
Relationship status: Committed, Mars Rehw

Elod'i, circa ARR

Parents: Ares and Elod'i Greywolfe
Sibling(s): Brother, Eli
Children: None
Age: 20 (20ish years post-EW)
Deity: Azeyma, the Warden
Eye color: Copper
Hair color: White, pink highlights
Height: 160cm (5'3")
Canon jobs: Red mage, paladin, sage


“But if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that soulmates aren’t found. They’re made. It’s a choice. Every day. It’s a choice to fight when you’re tempted to run. It’s knowing that you’re both going to want to quit more than once and choosing not to. And that is what I promise you, Alyc Albhed. I promise to be your soulmate, and all the work that requires.”

Name: Eli (Rhunvelt) Albhed
Occupation: Florist
Race: Half miqo'te, half viera (appears viera)
Birthplace: Tuliyollal
Nameday: 15th Sun of 5th Astral Moon (September 15th)
Sexual orientation: Gay
Relationship style: Monogamous
Relationship status: Married, Alyc Albhed

Elod'i, circa ARR

Parents: Ares and Elod'i Greywolfe
Sibling(s): Sister, Astrid
Children: Daughter, Lily Anya Albhed
Age: 22 (20-ish years post-EW)
Deity: Oschon, the Wanderer
Eye color: Icy grey
Hair color: Garnet red, ruby highlights
Height: 182cm (5'11")
Canon jobs: Botanist


"I see so much of your father in you; your strength, your gentle heart. And I know that, in equal measure, you are the very best of your mother, too. You are her legacy." ~Lys to Theja

Name: Theja Arda
Occupation: Garlean refugee, student
Race: Viera | Rava
Birthplace: Golmore Jungle
Nameday: 12th Sun of 1st Astral Moon (January 12th)
Sexual orientation: Asexual
Relationship style: Undetermined
Relationship status: Unattached

Elod'i, circa ARR

Parents: Father, Kellan Djt-bidit | Mother, Rena | Step-parent, Lysande Arda
Sibling(s): None
Children: None
Age: 15 (post-EW)
Deity: Doesn't worship the Twelve
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Golden blonde
Height: 152.4cm (5'0")
Canon jobs: White mage